Gabe Rozman

Gabe Rozman's picture

I am a M.C student in the Movement Ecology Lab and I am studying the Parental provisioning of breeding Barn Owls (Tyto alba). My goal is to understand the mechanisms underlying how the internal state (age/experience, sex, laying date) of the parents, habitat and diet all affect their breeding success (number of young that reach independence). Additionally, I am looking at the differential contribution to provisioning between the male and the female. I use the ATLAS tracking system to obtain high resolution movement data. Overlying the tracks on landscape data will enable me to examine the field types foraged in. Finally, I placed cameras inside of Barn Owl nest boxes and can identify the specific prey type brought back during a foraging trip.

Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Givat Ram, Jerusalem 91904, Israel


Corl, A., M. Charter, G. Rozman, S. Toledo, S. Turjeman, P. L. Kamath, W. M. Getz, R. Nathan, and R. C. K. Bowie, (2020) Movement ecology and sex are linked to barn owl microbial community composition | Molecular Ecology 1358-1371