Emmanuel Lourie

Emmanuel Lourie's picture
I am a PhD student in the Movement Ecology lab, interested mainly in the social and environmental drivers of bats and bird’s movement.  Currently, I am using movement-networks to answer questions regarding individual variability and foraging information acquisition of the Egyptian fruit bat, Rousettus aegyptiacus , tracked with the ATLAS system.

In my MSc (Univerity of East Anglia) I used machine learning to classify Little Bustards, Tetrax tetraxbehaviors and related them to habitat selection models for conservation management purposes.  

My other interests include birding, running, meditating and everything that is African.

PhD Student
Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Givat Ram, Jerusalem 91904, Israel


Toledo, S., D. Shohami, I. Schiffner, E. Lourie, Y. Orchan, Y. Bartan, and R. Nathan, (2020) Cognitive map-based navigation in wild bats revealed by a new high-throughput wildlife tracking system | Science 188-193 : 369