
Mari, L., R. Casagrandi, M. Gatto, T. Avgar, and R. Nathan (2008) Movement strategies of seed predators as determinants of plant recruitment patterns | The American Naturalist 694-711 : 172
Holyoak, M., R. Casagrandi, R. Nathan, E. Revilla, and O. Spiegel (2008) Trends and missing parts in the study of movement ecology | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 19060-19065 : 105
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Nathan, R (2008) An emerging movement ecology paradigm | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 19050-19051 : 105
Schurr, F. M., O. Steinitz, and R. Nathan (2008) Plant fecundity and seed dispersal in spatially heterogeneous environments: models, mechanisms and estimation | Journal of Ecology 628-641 : 96
Bohrer, G., G. G. Katul, R. Nathan, R. L. Walko, and R. Avissar (2008) Effects of canopy heterogeneity, seed abscission, and inertia on wind-driven dispersal kernels of tree seeds | Journal of Ecology 569-580 : 96
Bullock, J. M., and R. Nathan (2008) Plant dispersal across multiple scales: linking models and reality | Journal of Ecology 567-568 : 96
Avgar, T., I. Giladi, and R. Nathan (2008) Linking traits of foraging animals to spatial patterns of plants: social and solitary ants generate opposing patterns of surviving seeds | Ecology Letters 224-234 : 11
Nathan, R (2008) Movement Ecology. Special Feature in | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 19050-19125 : 105
Bullock, J. M., and R. Nathan (2008) Plant dispersal across multiple scales: linking models and reality. Special Issue in | Journal of Ecology 567-697 : 96
