Gabe Rozman

Gabe Rozman's picture

I am a M.C student in the Movement Ecology Lab and I am studying the Parental provisioning of breeding Barn Owls (Tyto alba). My goal is to understand the mechanisms underlying how the internal state (age/experience, sex, laying date) of the parents, habitat and diet all affect their breeding success (number of young that reach independence). Additionally, I am looking at the differential contribution to provisioning between the male and the female. I use the ATLAS tracking system to obtain high resolution movement data. Overlying the tracks on landscape data will enable me to examine the field types foraged in. Finally, I placed cameras inside of Barn Owl nest boxes and can identify the specific prey type brought back during a foraging trip.

Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Givat Ram, Jerusalem 91904, Israel