Dr. Nir Horvitz

Nir Horvitz's picture
Short Interest: 
Dispersal models

I am a PhD student in the Movement Ecology Lab, working on models of invasion patterns. The main goal of my PhD is to model the spread of 17 invasive plants species in China over the last 130 years. My main scientific interest is ecological modeling.

In my MSc research I implied an atmospheric model to birds migratory tracks in order to understand the effect of thermal conditions on risk taking and speed selection of individuals migrating birds .



Horvitz N., R. Wang, M. Zhu, F.-H. Wan and R. Nathan, (2014) A simple modeling approach to elucidate the main transport processes and predict invasive spread: River-mediated invasion of Ageratina adenophora in China | Water Resources Research 9738-9747 : 50
Sapir, N., N. Horvitz, M. Wikelski, R. Avissar, and R. Nathan, (2014) Flight-mode and lateral drift due to crosswind in migrating European bee-eaters | Journal of Ornithology 745-753 : 155
Kan, I., Y. Motro, N. Horvitz, A. Kimhi, Y. Leshem, Y. Yom-Tov, and R. Nathan, (2014) Agricultural rodent control using barn owls: is it profitable? | American Journal of Agricultural Economics 733-752 : 96
Sapir, N., N. Horvitz, M. Wikelski, R. Avissar, I. Mahrer, and R. Nathan, (2011) Migration by soaring or flapping: numerical atmospheric simulations reveal that turbulence kinetic energy dictates bee-eater flight mode | Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 3380-3386 : 278
Nathan R., N. Horvitz, Y. He, A. Kuparinen, F. M. Schurr, and G. G. Katul, (2011) Spread of North-American wind-dispersed trees in future environments | Ecology Letters 211-219 : 14
